Activities for Kids
Fuel 4 Fun
Fuel 4 Fun has been formed through Tameside Holiday Activity and Food Funding (HAF). We use a targeted approach to deliver interventions for a large number of young people in Tameside, from 5 years up to youth, as well as the under-25 SEND population.
These consist of a range of sessions and activity places for three groups of families and young people to access that:
- Need no additional support (green – universal offer)
- May need some support in attending (amber – semi-targeted)
- Require a minimum of 1:1 support to attend and the possibility of bespoke interventions (red – targeted and supported)
Our targeted cohort consists of 10,000 families in Tameside who are in receipt of free school meals or pupil premium.
This programme helps to reduce the cost on the public purse for these high-need groups, in relation to the current spend for Tameside Integrated Services, therefore providing greater benefits and outcomes for families and young people in Tameside.